2014年4月5日 星期六

Re: [爆卦] 駐外代表要求波蘭媒體修正新聞內容

 作者  enmucioe (波士頓瞎lol)                                 看板  Gossiping
 標題  Re: [爆卦] 駐外代表要求波蘭媒體修正新聞內容
 時間  Sun Apr  6 03:02:35 2014


A Polish journalist accused Taiwan’s representative office of interfering
with the freedom of the press by requesting a Polish media outlet to retract
a report on protesters’ occupation of the Executive Yuan.


Having published a series of reports on the occupation of the legislature,
the Polish media group Niezalezna — which owns several print and online news
outlets in Poland, including the daily Gazeta Polska Codziennie, the weekly
Gazeta Polska and the monthly Nowe Panstwo — received a letter from the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Bureau in Poland, protesting its use of an
analogy between the occupation of the Executive Yuan compound by protesters
and the consequent violent crackdown by police and the occupation of the
central square, Maidan, in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by protesters who
were also treated brutally by the police.


While saying that Taiwan is a “robust democracy and the people in Taiwan
enjoy a high degree of freedom of speech,” the representative office still
requested that an “appropriate retraction can be made to present the current
picture of this news story and avoid misunderstanding among people in Poland
and Taiwan,” as “making an analogy between a fully fledged democracy and
the bloodshed that happened in Ukraine” not only presents a “completely
wrong image of Taiwan,” it is also insulting, the letter said.



Hanna Shen, the reporter for the media group who wroted the story, as well as
several other stories on the student occupation of the legislature, said she
was shocked when she received the letter.
“My newspaper has been publishing articles very critical of the governments
of Russia, China and the former Ukrainian government, but we never received
any letter from the representative offices of those countries asking us to
retract anything,” she told the Taipei Times in a telephone interview in
“And those countries can’t be even called democratic,” she added.

Hanna Shen,這篇報導的記者,也為太陽花學運寫了其他許多報導,表示她非常震驚



“I personally think this letter, as an attempt to influence, to control the
way media in free and democratic Poland writes about Taiwan, is not
acceptable,” she said.
Shen said that the analogy between Taiwan and Maidan was made by several
students taking part in the protest who she interviewed, and that she
believed the analogy was suitable after having personally witnessed unarmed
students, doctors and journalists being beaten by the police when the
government evicted protesters from the Executive Yuan.
“Not to mention that many media outlets around the world — including in
Germany and in the US — have also made the same analogy in their reports,”
Shen said.
“I wonder if the Taiwanese government has also asked them to retract the
analogy,” Shen added.





"世界各地許多媒體 —包括美國、德國— 也使用同樣的比喻在報導。

When asked for a response, Zhang Ming-zhong (張銘忠), director-general of
European affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the ministry’
s overseas mission would issue a rebuttal in the event of biased reports.
As for the particular case concerning the Polish journalist’s complaint,
Zhang said he is in the midst of contacting the representative office to
better understand the matter.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396724557.A.7B1.html
※ 編輯: enmucioe (, 04/06/2014 03:05:41
推 otaku5566:推                                                    04/06 03:03
推 garyyang36:推                                                   04/06 03:03
推 meow0727:感謝翻譯                                               04/06 03:04
推 yun0215:推                                                      04/06 03:04
推 akanokuruma:推 感謝翻譯                                         04/06 03:04
推 pinkg023:感謝                                                   04/06 03:04
→ s866217:==>這是台灣民主的最後一役! 認輸放棄,台灣將永不見天日!   04/06 03:04
推 windfeather:不算武裝鎮壓,難道警察是拿香蕉和太陽餅驅散民眾嗎?  04/06 03:04
→ s866217:==>退無可退! 認輸,絕對是政治清算! 今日茂名,明日台灣!    04/06 03:04
※ 編輯: enmucioe (, 04/06/2014 03:07:55
推 alvar:沒禮貌還婊了烏克蘭                                        04/06 03:06
推 SlimeKnight:謝謝翻譯 騜政府真是丟臉丟到國外去了                 04/06 03:06
推 memalina:感謝翻譯                                               04/06 03:06
推 momocom:上色失敗喔                                              04/06 03:06
推 otaku5566:XD剛看顏色是正確的,怎麼你改到顏色跑掉了              04/06 03:07
→ zone0317:上色失敗                                               04/06 03:07
推 thmyjukilop:這樣還叫民主?                                      04/06 03:07
推 dacapo:所以這記者知道為什麼台灣會學運了吧 科科                  04/06 03:07
推 yoshro:推                                                       04/06 03:08
推 giyoshi:沒上色也okder   推                                      04/06 03:08
※ 編輯: enmucioe (, 04/06/2014 03:09:20
推 flydragon198:按ctrl+c,在[*m 內打入33;1就可以了   [ 33;1 *m     04/06 03:09
※ 編輯: enmucioe (, 04/06/2014 03:10:01
推 compassk:沒禮貌 該關切                                          04/06 03:09
推 hohaiyanyan:丟臉                                                04/06 03:10
→ keane9112:其實原文那篇 有翻出來了                               04/06 03:10
※ 編輯: enmucioe (, 04/06/2014 03:10:21
→ Lxr:看完有推,不上色也該看完。                                  04/06 03:10
推 Carrarese:上色教學 http://ppt.cc/udti                           04/06 03:10
推 piliwu:國民黨政府露出本色了                                     04/06 03:10
推 Camderela:外交部是不是淪為酬庸單位了?連基本的sense都沒有...    04/06 03:11
→ s866217:============ 昔日天安門  來日台北城 ==================  04/06 03:11
推 x0003:國際認證新聞自由輸給426                                   04/06 03:11
推 dragoneminem:看來留學生名單事件可信度十分高                     04/06 03:11
推 m21423:以為國外媒體都中天喔                                     04/06 03:11
推 recx:還順便罵一下烏克蘭 這款政府...                             04/06 03:12
推 vanilla1365:高調                                                04/06 03:12
推 sheep0718:推!!                                                04/06 03:12
推 windfeather:某個駐日文外交部的甚至連日文都不會呢                04/06 03:13
推 apple8335:高調                                                  04/06 03:13
推 otaku5566:上色用PCMAN很簡單,記得結尾送出色彩還原碼就對了       04/06 03:13
→ windfeather:真的不少都變酬庸了                                  04/06 03:13
推 blackxo4u86:外交部有夠丟臉                                      04/06 03:13
推 colorbest:悲哀,結果政黑9.2還在那邊幸災樂禍                     04/06 03:13
推 buchholiz:感恩                                                  04/06 03:13
推 giyoshi:推flydragon的提示  再去test版打一下木人即可....         04/06 03:14
推 zeze:高調                                                       04/06 03:15
推 WhiteHowWay:推                                                  04/06 03:15
噓 starport:敢做還怕人說? 垃圾政府?                                04/06 03:16
推 svg1031:政府各種秀下限                                          04/06 03:16
推 sarah5235:推                                                    04/06 03:18
推 sparkle0829:這種政府不倒嗎                                      04/06 03:19
推 jarry011:推                                                     04/06 03:19
推 fantasibear:吞                                                  04/06 03:19
→ HELLDIVER:KMT丟臉丟到全世界去了                                 04/06 03:19
→ frostmourne:武裝鎮壓改成暴力鎮壓就好啦 這樣的意思吧             04/06 03:19
推 willy:While saying that後面應該還是對方說的話喔                 04/06 03:20
推 flydragon198:波蘭寫關於台灣,用編寫、撰寫、念起來可能比較順     04/06 03:20
推 a34567:                                                         04/06 03:20
推 YamazakiG:騜政府奧步盡出  大家要堅持下去  加油                  04/06 03:20
推 akaiya:推                                                       04/06 03:20
推 mayurina:剛用翻譯米糕看了這波蘭新聞 http://ppt.cc/hEYm          04/06 03:21
推 blackone979:政黑那種地方 講理講不出半撇 風涼話倒是整篇廢言      04/06 03:22
推 a2156700:超級海巡                                               04/06 03:22
→ mayurina:318會議結束後,外國記者都表示他們的憤怒                04/06 03:22
→ mayurina:,因為他們不允許總統的演講後提問。  (笑了)             04/06 03:23
推 cmid05:馬把波蘭媒體當成國語日報 頗呵                            04/06 03:23
推 kobebryant08:政黑連把全部人打成民進黨的偽造文都可以M 就知水平   04/06 03:23
推 kk9517:超丟臉...                                                04/06 03:23
推 Cervelo1995:英文還菜,原文只看懂一半,有這篇方便多惹! 謝謝        04/06 03:23
推 luelue:什麼鬼政府用什麼爛手段                                   04/06 03:23
推 jyhfang:這政府真的很噁心                                        04/06 03:24
推 moonlind:      這次學運是如此純淨,好比一面鏡子映出馬政府的臉   04/06 03:25
推 dreamer0108:歷史定位 GET                                        04/06 03:26
推 gg0079:真的是丟臉,敢做不敢當                                   04/06 03:26
→ forgetcry66:這才是丟臉丟到國外!                                 04/06 03:27
推 Szss:這記者口氣很差的回應                                       04/06 03:27
推 kaoru1992:謝謝翻譯,幹真得丟臉丟大了                            04/06 03:30
推 tp6m4xup6:只有台灣人覺得不是暴力鎮壓                            04/06 03:32
推 io45for222:   中國                                              04/06 03:33
推 Harute:這他媽才是丟臉丟大了 敢作不敢當 噁心                     04/06 03:33
推 KCKCLIN:某板不就是蠢渣集散地?XD                                 04/06 03:36
→ flydragon198:想像某版都是王偉忠,你就知道是什麼狀況了.....      04/06 03:37
推 AsakuRacing:為啥政黑板會淪為9.2自慰板?                          04/06 03:38
推 xengoku:症畜版都看偉忠哥打槍 就有病阿                           04/06 03:40
推 jiga:真的很丟臉                                                 04/06 03:41
推 adtr1107:丟臉死了                                               04/06 03:41
推 SDNS:台灣人 看清楚 這就是我們的政府                            04/06 03:46
推 hsm926:推                                                       04/06 03:49
推 toaperion:中舔快來報! 台灣之光阿!!!                             04/06 03:53
推 Ives20130:垃圾政府,現在完全不怕丟臉                            04/06 03:54
推 ching620:真的是丟臉丟到一個無與倫比的地步…                     04/06 03:55
推 yef7591:....                                                    04/06 03:59
推 thesame524:高                                                   04/06 04:02
推 ujwang:借分享,感謝翻譯                                         04/06 04:03
推 hydez:丟臉丟到家了                                              04/06 04:03
推 warluck:又自己幫學生找有力證據了 偉哉                           04/06 04:04
推 OOLoop:推翻譯                                                   04/06 04:12
推 iedgu:高調                                                      04/06 04:26
推 ab32110:高調                                                    04/06 04:33
推 hsm926:高調                                                     04/06 04:33
推 llycky:高調                                                     04/06 04:37
推 imdog:管到外媒 超丟臉                                           04/06 04:45
推 tyai:高調                                                       04/06 04:50
推 gonobia:高調!                                                  04/06 05:20
推 dostey:高調                                                     04/06 05:25
推 ECZEMA:台灣恐怕變成有民主殼 但卻被中共附體掌控 的行屍…         04/06 05:33
推 bingchang:高調                                                  04/06 05:38
推 beiii:X推                                                       04/06 05:47
推 colenken:這馬骨子裡跟本沒有民主這個概念                         04/06 05:47
推 trtc:漿液話:只有拍拍肩膀,哪來的武裝鎮壓?                     04/06 06:00
→ trtc:這篇新聞(併翻譯)真該高調,讓世界看見台灣(的恥辱)!         04/06 06:01
推 billybbb:推                                                     04/06 06:10
推 OoJudyoO:一群丟臉的廢物                                         04/06 06:20
推 fablife:這一定要高調的 太誇張                                   04/06 06:20
推 BearCastle:                                                     04/06 06:22
推 dostey:推                                                       04/06 06:26
推 lom0120:奇怪了 平常別國家欺負我們時這些官都超安靜 現在是?       04/06 06:34
推 utaka:謝翻譯                                                    04/06 06:39
推 LABOYS:真的丟臉丟到極點                                         04/06 06:39
推 evan88068:推,政府根本要中國化了                                04/06 06:46
推 Sonnoy:高調                                                     04/06 06:50
推 jack8759:幫爆                                                   04/06 06:51
推 iliqob113:幹 有夠丟臉的                                         04/06 07:00
推 PlayPtt:敢做不敢當...都打到都見血了..還以為活在戒嚴時代呀       04/06 07:01
推 comerjoy:想河蟹就更該高調                                       04/06 07:06
推 reina07:這是哪門子政府                                          04/06 07:09
推 Tenging:丟臉丟到國外去                                          04/06 07:10
推 cms6384:垃圾國民黨 無所不用其極的垃圾                           04/06 07:10
推 mybaby520:SHAME ON YOU                                          04/06 07:16
噓 devilsky:超丟臉。。。。                                         04/06 07:23
推 henry753:丟臉丟到國外去                                         04/06 07:27
→ hoks:幹 這種的就算在共產國家也會被排擠吧 爛隊友                 04/06 07:29
推 Evajavaleon:丟臉丟到國外  爛死了                                04/06 07:31
推 whitezealman:推  垃圾KMT  689萬害死台灣人                       04/06 07:32
推 lianhua:這才叫丟臉丟到國外 醒了沒9.2                            04/06 07:33
推 ID3238:推                                                       04/06 07:35
推 rockroddick:馬政府噁心至極                                      04/06 07:35
推 angelruo:推                                                     04/06 07:36
→ capcombio:外交部只會寫信抗議還會幹嘛?                           04/06 07:41
→ query:馬政府丟臉 快被視為民主陣亡了                             04/06 07:42
推 Lunaino:高調                                                    04/06 07:43
推 bm5apa:唉一呀....。                                             04/06 07:48
推 awengod:推啦!                                                  04/06 07:49
推 Delisaac:爽啦,白癡政府越鬧越大囉,學生只要堅持下去政府就會     04/06 07:51
→ Delisaac:自己自爆,金小刀真的沒什麼,不要自己嚇自己。           04/06 07:51
推 dearyl:幹拎娘  丟臉丟到國外  舔馬舔到瘋了                       04/06 07:53
推 Wreet:推                                                        04/06 08:03
推 stad:有夠丟臉                                                   04/06 08:05
推 goodlisa123:丟臉丟到國外....                                    04/06 08:06
推 baronterry:UCCU                                                 04/06 08:08
推 rexrick:M19 又得到國際認證了                                    04/06 08:10
推 yiling1982:推  血腥鎮壓是鐵的事實  政府丟臉                     04/06 08:12
推 sharkimage:丟臉啊                                               04/06 08:17
推 alien200020:推!                                                04/06 08:22
推 isching:推                                                      04/06 08:22
推 denniser:誰才是一言堂?                                         04/06 08:23

